Unpopular opinion: Season 6 has got to be the worst season in this show

They were doing so well with S5 as it was a strong comeback from S4 ( I felt it was weak but I can't blame the writers due to covid making them have to write things a bit lightly.) But nah after a 2 year break they literally have gone down in terms of the quality and I have a feeling they don't even know what they are writing or have run out of good story ideas to plot down.

  • Mr miyagi being a criminal and killing someone in a match just felt forced and overdramatic.

  • Johnny and Daniel fighting again made it so repetitive and boring. We watched nearly half of the show of them fighting and they were so cool with each other and hanging out at S5 and they are literally ruining it for no reason.

  • Don't get me started with demetri cheating on Yasmine. He had the most beautiful loving girl who was popular and liked him for him but he just easily threw at all in the bin for one Spanish chick.

  • the plane episode felt so frustratingly pointless like why create so much drama and hype of the plot by writing both Johnny and Miguel going back to the valley of Carmen's pregnancy and then and it blows off when Carmen is well tells them to go back to Barcelona.

  • the ending brawl felt so illogical and retarded like where was security? Or even the police? Plus I really hate how the writers are putting in one death per part. Like yh toris mum dying felt reasonable and well added but nah a student dying didn't need to happen.

Other than that everything feels lazily written and a bit bland. I won't be surprised if Part 3 feels the same way. S1 to S3 was prime CK. S4 fell off a bit but then S5 gave it so much potential for nearly the whole show to be entertaining and written well but nah S6 let everything down.